You. Me. Canoe.
That’s what a Hawaiian guy (maybe sumo wrestler???) grunted to my friend as we walked past him on beach in Oahu.
How beautiful and simple!
No reservation. No long convoluted sentences. No mind games.
Simply, you pretty. Me want.
Complexity is so overrated.
Hi, I’m AnneMarie. I’m a recovering complexoholic. Since I was young I’ve been able to solve really hard equations. At time my wheels were burning but I did it.
The simple equations, well, they weren’t so easy for me. I wanted to know why not. So I began looking for simplicity in everything: people, things, processes & technology.
I haven’t hacked an overall ah-ha simple way just yet. However, I have run across patterns and circumstances that reveal the root of complexity and possible routes to simplicity. It is here on this site where I highlight my experiences and vision with you. As the tagline says, this is where creative minds meet.
You. Me. Canoe. Hubba Hubba.